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15:27:11 (GMT +5), sunday, 1 september 2024

The contest for the involvement of foreign experts

I. Brief information about the company

Company name

JSC "O’zbekiston temir yo’llari»

Organizational and legal form

Joint-Stock Company

Date of formation of the company

Eestablished on November 7, 1994 by the Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan on the formation of the state-owned joint-stock railway company "O’zbekiston temir to’llari» (

Information about shareholders

100% owned by the State (Republic of Uzbekistan)

Core business

Transportation of goods and passengers by railway transport

Official web-site

II. Main tasks of the Board

The main regulatory documents

Competence of the Board

The competence of the Management Board of JSC "O’zbekiston temir yo’llari" (hereinafter - the Company) includes:

  • elaboration of the concept of development and improvement of the railway transport network;
  • determination of the main directions of economic, scientific, technical and social development of railway transport;
  • development of a draft of the main directions of the Company's activities;
  • development of a business plan for the Company;
  • determination of the Company's need for rolling stock, machines, mechanisms and other specialized equipment and funds for their purchase, as well as the volume of capital investments and construction and installation work on the Company's facilities, financed from centralized sources and other sources provided for by the investment program;
  • organization of financial and economic work and financing of subdivisions, enterprises, organizations and institutions included in the organizational structure of the Company;
  • development of tariffs for the carriage of goods, passengers, mail, baggage and cargo luggage, additional charges for the provided railway services, carried out in domestic rail and mixed traffic. The approval of these tariffs and the development of fees are carried out in accordance with the procedure established by law, as well as in accordance with the Charter of the Railways of the Republic of Uzbekistan, approved by the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of October 23, 2008 No. 232 and the Law of the Republic of Uzbekistan "On Railway Transport";
  • the formation of centralized funds and reserves for financing capital investments, research and other work of general importance;
  • provision of preferential tariffs for the carriage of goods by rail across the territory of the Republic of Uzbekistan upon the relevant requests from shippers, consignees, railway administrations and forwarding organizations, based on economic feasibility;
  • preparation of proposals for the establishment, reorganization, liquidation in accordance with the established procedure of enterprises, organizations, institutions and other structures included in the organizational structure of the Company, determination of their powers;
  • management of the property of the Company, as well as the activities of structural joint stock companies in accordance with applicable law;
  • make an additional contribution to the statutory fund of legal entities participating in the Company as a shareholder, increase or decrease the share of these legal entities in the statutory fund and make decisions on their exclusion;
  • conclusion of a transaction, the subject of which is property, the value of which is up to 15 percent of the net assets of the Company as of the date of the decision to conclude such a transaction, while the decision is taken by the Management Board of the Company unanimously. If the unanimity of the Management Board of the Company on the issue of the transaction is not reached, then by decision of the Management Board of the Company the issue of the transaction may be submitted for consideration by the Board of the Company;
  • conclusion of transactions related to the participation of the Company in commercial and non-commercial organizations, if there is an appropriate resolution of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan or instructions from the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan;
  • approval of the list of positions of the Company's employees entitled to receive and wear uniforms, insignia;
  • development of proposals for amendments and additions to the Charter of the Company;
  • approval of annual reports and balances of financial and economic activities of enterprises and organizations of the Company;
  • consideration of the procedure and conditions for the sale of enterprises, organizations, institutions included in the organizational structure of the Company, preparation of proposals on this issue to the Council of the Company;
  • consideration of issues of improving the current legislation on railway transport for subsequent submission of proposals to the Council of the Company;
  • approval of cost estimates for the maintenance of enterprises and subdivisions of the main activities and institutions of the social sphere of the Company;
  • approval of local documents of the Company;
  • approval of forms, systems and amounts of remuneration of employees of the Company, as well as consideration and approval of proposals on incentives for employees based on the results of economic activities
  • The Management Board of the Company in the prescribed manner submits for approval to the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan proposals on the organizational structure of the executive office of the Company, while the maximum number of management personnel is approved by the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan;
  • The Management Board of the Company, headed by the Chairman of the Management Board of the Company, makes decisions on all issues of operational, production, financial and other activities that do not fall within the competence of the sole shareholder and the Board of the Company.
III. Functional responsibilities

Functional responsibilities of the First Deputy Chairman of the Board for Financial and Economic Affairs

  • managing the organization and improving the economic activities of the Company aimed at achieving the greatest results with the lowest cost of material, labor and financial resources, accelerating the growth rate of labor productivity, increasing the profitability of production and reducing the cost of services;
  • conducting a comprehensive financial and economic analysis of the Company's activities, developing the Company's Business Model;
  • development of a model of financial recovery of the Company and monitoring of its implementation;
  • financial risk management;
  • interaction with financial institutions and corporations in terms of responsibilities;
  • control over accounting in the Company and its divisions, implementation and control over the implementation of preparation of financial statements in accordance with international standards;
  • other functions in the field of the supervised issue.
IV. Requirements for a candidate

Requirements for the level of education

  • Required level of education: higher professional economic, financial, engineering and economic education, MBA (Master of Business Administration) diploma, ACCA diploma.
  • The presence of the degrees of Doctor of Philosophy, Doctor of Science is welcomed and will be necessarily taken into account during the interview.

Work experience requirements

At least 15 years of work in transport companies in accordance with the areas of the required education for the applicant, of which at least 7 years in management positions, including the positions of Director of Economics and Finance, Financial Director, etc.

Proficiency in languages

  • Russian and / or English (professional level);
  • Uzbek (understanding of speech, fluency is encouraged).

IV. Payment terms

The amount of payment is determined based on the results of the interview.

V. Application procedure

To submit an application, Applicants must send their CVs in Russian to the name of the Board of JSC "O’zbekiston Temir Yo’llari » Mr. Khasilov Khusnutdin Nuritdinovich via e-mail by March 15, 2021.

Based on the results of the deadline for accepting applications, the documents of candidates will be considered by the current members of the Management Board and members of the Supervisory Board of JSC “O’zbekiston temir yo’llari” on the basis of a commission selection.

During the consideration of candidates, an interview is conducted (face-to-face or through the organization of video conferencing).

Additional information about vacancies can be obtained at the following contacts:

  • +99890 318-36-66 (Telegram, WhatsApp),

e-mail: Ulugbek

  • +998 97 712-86-08 (Telegram, WhatsApp),

e-mail: Gulnara