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09:35:52 (GMT +5), sunday, 1 september 2024

"Sharq" and "Nasaf" trains have started to run from "Tashkent" central railway station

During the quarantine period, the "Oʻztemiryoʻlyoʻlovchi" JSC is organizing the gradual establishment of railway services on local routes in strict compliance with sanitary and hygienic requirements in the "green" and "yellow" territories. 

According to this, from May 18 this year, high-speed trains "Afrosiyob" from Tashkent to Navoi and from Bukhara to Karshi cities, and high-speed trains to the Fergana Valley (roundtrip) have been restored. From June 15, runs from “Tashkent” Southern Railway Station to Tashkent – Termez – Tashkent, Tashkent – Khiva –Tashkent and Tashkent – Nukus – Tashkent have been resumed.

Today, on June 16, the "Oʻztemiryoʻlyoʻlovchi" JSC has launched #10/9 Sharq on the route Tashkent – Karshi –Tashkent and #4/3 Nasaf on the route Tashkent – Bukhara – Tashkent passenger trains from “Tashkent” Central Railway Station.

It is known that before the quarantine, these trains operated from the “Tashkent” Southern Railway Station and delivered passengers to their destinations, but now, until the end of the quarantine period, these trains run from the “Tashkent” Central Railway Station. This is due to the fact that the number of trains running from the “Tashkent” Southern Railway Station is slightly higher than at the “Tashkent” Central Railway Station. Therefore, it is decided not to gather passengers during the pandemic, to keep the distance and to ensure full compliance with quarantine rules.

According to the schedule, # 4/3 Nasaf trains on the route Tashkent – Karshi –Tashkent depart from the “Tashkent” Central Railway Station every morning at 08:52 and in the afternoon at 17:00 depart from the Karshi station. #10/9 Sharq trains on the route Tashkent – Bukhara – Tashkent depart from the “Tashkent” Central Railway Station at 09:15 every morning and from the Bukhara station in the afternoon at 16:10. When these trains return to the capital, they arrive at the “Tashkent” Central Railway Station.

Another convenience for passengers is that they can buy tickets electronically without any problems, without coming to the cash offices, without using cash.

Disinfection is carried out at the depot before the departure of trains and after the passengers have completely disembarked from the cars. The administration of the station pays special attention to the strict observance of quarantine and sanitary and epidemiological rules when entering the station and train cars. Disinfectants and thermal imagers measure the body temperature of each passenger, and disposable medical masks and gloves are provided.


The management of "Oʻztemiryoʻlyoʻlovchi" asks passengers to strictly follow the rules of quarantine and hygiene in order to protect themselves and others from the pandemic virus.

Information and analytical media center

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