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09:39:40 (GMT +5), sunday, 1 september 2024

Commentary on the provocative video distributed on social networks

In our country, a number of systemic measures are being taken to prevent the spread of the coronavirus pandemic. Over the past two months, in the regions of our country, construction projects, restoration work, etc. have been and are being implemented. Since the work process is organized on a rotational basis, workers work without contact with the general public, observing the rules of quarantine. To provide facilities with labor and specialists, in compliance with all necessary quarantine measures, special trains were organized. The people depicted in the video are workers of the same team. Each of them passed the appropriate control, including passing an analysis to identify COVID-19. Meanwhile, some electronic and media outlets disseminate various unreasonable data, videos and photos with provocative comments. So the day before, on social networks, a video began to circulate from the train car with the message "Andijan - Tashkent", which indignantly expresses non-compliance with quarantine measures for passenger transportation.

Recall that in the announcement of the launch of passenger trains from May 18 of this year, information was given about trains making flights. Comfortable high-speed “Uzbekistan” trains assigned to Ferghana Valley. We ask passengers and the public to follow official sources, and also media representatives to double-check information before distribution.

JSC “O‘ztemiryo‘lyo‘lovchi”

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