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09:30:52 (GMT +5), sunday, 1 september 2024

International arrangements in action, prospects for cooperation

As we reported earlier, the previous container train with export products of Uzbekistan went to Turkey (03/29/2020)

Meanwhile, today 04/06/2020, another container railway caravan to Turkey set off from Uzbekistan, the territory of which is located in two parts of the world - Europe and Asia. It should be noted that a previously shipped consignment of 90 containers of export cargo from Sergeli station (Tashkent) proceeded to the Karakalpaniya station border with Kazakhstan in 45 hours, and was delivered to the Kazakhstan port of Aktau in three days. Considering that the route runs along the transit trans-Caucasian corridor Baku-Tbilisi-Kars, this route is multimodal transportation and an important role is played by the agreements reached at multilateral meetings and negotiations between the heads of railway administrations of the countries participating in this Corridor.

Meanwhile, at this time, export cargo is already in transit from Turkey to Kyrgyzstan, in transit through Uzbekistan. The current supply is designated for the construction of power lines in the Republic of Kyrgyzstan and includes such necessary components as cable products.

Recall that this multimodal route is not the first. In January of this year, three trains with tanks were dispatched (fuel oil).

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