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09:33:55 (GMT +5), sunday, 1 september 2024

Uzbekistan – Iron: the partnership is consolidated

Meeting with representatives of the railway system of the Islamic Republic of Iran was held at the JSC “O’zbekiston temir yo’llar”.

At this meeting, the sides discussed a wide range of issues regarding the state and prospects of cooperation between the two countries, as well as the development of mutually beneficial relations. In particular, the sides discussed issues of creating favorable conditions for the transit of cargoes, considering new directions in this regard, import and export of container wagons.

– As you know, – Uzbekistan Eastern Asia, namely it is calculated the most important and shortest transit territory for shipping with the China state, – said: the head of delegation Axmadiy Babak. – Therefore, the further development of a reliable partnership, increasing the number of shipping is the conditions of the period on the railway system between the 2 countries.  We planned to grow the amount of shipping loads via containers in this link. This year it is planned to bring 50 thousand tons of cargo from China. Negotiations were also held with Kazakhstan and Turkmenistan.

It is noted that in recent years, the demand for cotton and textile products have increased in the Islamic Republic of Iran. At the meeting, the sides also touched upon the issue. Also, proposals were made to bring oil products from Iran and deliver sulfur produced in Uzbekistan.

At the end of the meeting, a protocol of the meeting was signed.

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